
Niewidzialne ręce Małgosi myły naczynia.

„I was your house and when you leave, abandoning this dwelling place, I do not know what to do with these walls of mine. Have I ever had body other than the one which you constructed according to your idea of it? Have I ever experience a skin other than the one which you wanted me to dwell within?” (Irigaray, 1992:49)
The containment of women within a dwelling that they did not build, nor was even built for them, can only amount to a homelessness within the very home itself: it becomes the space of duty, of endless and infnitely repeatable chores that have no social value or recognition, the space of the affrmation and replenishment of others at the expense and erasure of the self, the space of domestic violence and abuse, the space that harms as much as isolates woman.
 Z tekstu Elisabeth Grosz „Woman, Chora, Dwelling” [w książce Space, Time and Perversion? – red.]

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